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Double Day Book Writers commitment to delivering quality and value is what sets our book writing company apart. We have a team of experienced writers and artistic designers at our book writing company.They are willing to give their best to make sure you are getting what you are paying for. We value your money and are committed to providing quality in return. Our writers with a touch of creative flair and our designers with vibrant artistic vision can help you in making your book an eye-candy for the readers. With Double Day’s industry expertise and insights you can be free of your worries and focus on writing your book.
Double Day Publications is the only name you need to remember for your author journey. Once you partner up with us, we will take care of the rest!
Can't get a clever book idea out of your head but also can't find the time to pen it down on paper? We got you covered.
Have a rough manuscript at hand? Don't worry, our in-house pros will polish it up and publish it in all the right places.
Great writers faced challenges and obstacles but never gave up on their passion. They set the road for many others to follow by daring to pursue their dreams of becoming authors. We have a rich and varied literary world full of great and inspirational stories because of them. With the help of our affordable book writing services, you can join in too! Here's why choosing us is the best option for you:
Wondering what happens once you speak with our representative, choose your service, and make the payment? Here's what to expect.
Within the first 24 hours, your dedicated project manager will contact you to kick things in motion and keep you updated.
Depending on the services you choose, our experts will get started. We follow your instructions to the dot to ensure 100% satisfaction.
The only way we are going to achieve the results you envisioned is if you give your honest feedback about everything. So do just that!
Once everything is ready and finalized all according to your requirements, we deliver the final results as promised.
We write every type of book. We have skilled writers of every genre from fiction to romance. Just contact our experts and get a free consultation to discuss your idea.
Just drop in your details and we will get back to you. We start our process with
Team up with our writer that is suited for your needs and start writing. Once your book is done with the writing part, you can approach us for the publishing process and get your book published.
The price of a ghostwriter can be different from writer to writer. We have skilled writers on our team for ghostwriting or any other genre. We offer affordable packages that are designed for your needs.
Your book completion depends on many things like the complex nature, amount of chapters and many more things. Just submit a form on our website or get in touch with our professional for more accurate time.